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Container Surveys

All your maritime needs with

one maritime family

International Marine Experts (IME) has over ten years of “hands-on” experience. We know where and what to look for and have the expertise to know what our findings mean.


Once the investigation and assessment are complete, we ensure the customer is provided with a thorough written report. We stand by our work and are available to answer any questions. IME’s inspection reports satisfy the needs of government and insurance agencies.​

We perform condition and cleanliness for on/off-hire and for general suitability to load bulk agricultural / food products. 

We perform surveys of damaged containerized cargo, and stowage, securing, tallying, and stuffing inspections of containerized cargo.


A container surveyor usually conducts inspections, surveys, and examinations of container equipment either before or after a company lease a container to make sure the container is in the desired condition. 

Most of the time leasing companies instruct a surveyor to safeguard themselves, but surveying containers is also important for cargo owners. Imagine your customer wants to ship food! In that case, you would instruct a surveying company to make sure the containers you want to use are food-grades. 

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